The birthday fairy came last night......a day late, oops!
Last year, I had decorated the stairway with balloons and a sign and had balloons all over the floor for Ella's birthday and said the 'birthday fairy' had paid a visit.
Well, she never forgets (the bd fairy does) and woke up yesterday morning to run downstairs and she is the visit had been made. I quickly told her that I wrote the bd fairy a letter asking her to come the next night so the house would be 'decorated' for the party.....
It worked.....thank goodness!

Yeah.....balloons and streamers!

And then some blocks from mommy and daddy.....Logan squealed again....

Super cute!

After an early was party time.
It was so nice to be outside and enjoy the day!

Ella was all 'fancy' for the party....such a sweetheart!

The super duper cake! It was yummy too! Marble with raspberry filling....

Logan loved having 'Happy Birthday' sung to him and got a little shy too!

And then a bit of panick as he tried to blow the candle out and then 'touch' the 'fire'....ahhhh!

Some hugs from Papa...

And then time to open presents....Logan loved each and every one....

Everyone enjoying the day......

Wow! This is a fun toy!

So excited to open each one....

A little help from big sis...

Thank you smiles....

Ella was in the 'birthday' spirit.....

Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate....
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