We headed over to the Engen's today for a fun and festive Halloween party for the kiddos!
Kellie completely outdid herself and had so many fun activities!
Ella and Logan had a GREAT time!
Ella and Owen busy decorating pumpkins!

Ella a.k.a. "Alice" showing off her finished design

Logan decorated a pumpkin while keeping his mouth full of cheese puffs....

Logans idea of a 'party'...his own bowl of puffs.

The food was ADORABLE!!!! This cute little orange pumpkins......there were also ghost cinnamon and sugar chips, halloween tortilla chips, mummy hot dogs, halloween shaped mac and cheese, a spooky snake pizza.....etc....

Sienna enjoying the party

Whitney enjoying the food....

My two little pumpkins.....

Stick the nose on the pumpkin....

Mya and Ella.....so cute! Can't believe they are almost FIVE!

Mr. Cheese Puff!

Ella showing off her prize for winning the game.....

then came the pumpkin pinata.....(which I rescued from the sprinklers on the lawn :0)

It was a so nice outside and the kids enjoyed actually being able to spend some time running around....

Peek-a-boo from inside the giant coloring castle

Kellen showing me he is "SO BIG".....and smiling because he is eating....

Thanks Kellie for such a fun party! You did a great job!
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