Thursday, September 6, 2012

All Star Assembly

Friday was the first All-Star Assembly of the school year...
1st grade presented and Ella was so excited...
They sang songs and got to be up in front..
Can you spot Ella????
 And then it was time for the 1st Reach award to be handed out in each classroom...
Reach stands for Respect, Effort, Attitude, Cooperation,and Heart...
Ella wasn't drawn out of the hat last year and each month of last school year she smiled and cheered for the winner.  This year, the teachers are picking the student they would like to win and guess what????
YIPEEEEEE...Ella won!!!
All was perfect, except for this is the ONE assembly that Paul has missed.
Luckily I was prepared and caught it on video...
Ella was sooooo proud!!!

 Ella and Mrs. Gagner, her FABULOUS teacher..
 And then one last quick pic before I left...Ella and the other winners had 'muffins with Ms. Musser' the principal....
So adorable....oh, and Ella had to have curls for this special day
What a proud mommy I am!!!

While the daddy is away....

Last week was a rough week.....
After saying bye to Nannie and Muntz on Monday, Paul left out of town from Wednesday until Sunday...
The kids were very sad, but I had some surprises for them...
Nannie and Muntz had left some money for each of them and so after school, we headed to Build a Bear to make new friends.
There was ONE Sid in the bins and Logan was ecstatic!!!
Ella picked a french bulldog and named her Frency!

Always so much fun!
Then we went to Pei Wei for a yummy dinner with our new friends!
 We even had a special slumber party on the couch with Sid and Frency...
We kept busy and tried to have fun but we SO happy when daddy got home!!!

Saying "until next time" :0(

After 5 weeks of having Nannie and Muntz staying with us, it was time for them to go home...
The time flew by soooooo quickly...
Ella reading to Nannie on her last night here...
 Logan perched on the chair listening to Muntz...
And nothing is worse than the day they leave :0(
Always so sad...
Wish they lived closer...
 Always gotta do a funny face!!!!
 And this sums up how we felt....
The kids were really sad and out of sorts....Logan was crying about something and put his face into the couch and this was his 'cry face' that was left marked on the pillow
We all miss you Nannie and Muntz...

Happy Birthday Grammie!!!

We also celebrated Grammie's birthday a few weeks ago....
The party was at Renee and Kenny's house...
Nannie and Muntz...
 Muntz enjoying a beer from around the world...
 Time for food.....Papa is digging in...
 A little swim to cool us down after eating....
 Time to sing....
The kids sang in both English and French....
Blowing out the candle :0)

 Muntz, Ella, and Paul...
 Grammie taking a SWIG of my BEER!!!! What a great photo :0)
 Logan had to use Aunt Renee's hair products after getting out of the pool.....
 Nannie and Grammie....the kids are so lucky to have two such wonderful grandmas...
Happy Birthday Mom....I LOVE YOU!!!

Celebrating Muntz...

Once again, here I am 'catching up' on the blog...
I need to get back into being 'better' about consistently keeping it updated, but 'oh well'...
While Paul's parents were here visiting, we celebrated Muntz's birthday!!!
Nothing better than a swim party!!!

 Muntz was only able to play golf one time while he was visiting because his back was hurting, but luckily he was able to play the morning of the party...
The theme continued onto his cake
 Paul with his parents and the kiddos...
A little frosting onto Logan's nose...
 And confetti thrown compliments of Ella....she made it :0)
 On Muntz's actual birthday, we went to dinner at Fireside....
The kids had saved their cards and gifts for the 'real' day...
 The kids with Nannie and Muntz...
 All of us....

Ella, myself, and Spot...
 I love how Logan is patting Muntz on the head :0)
 Muntz got a new personalized mustache mug to drink his coffee out of...
LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic...
Muntz and Logan are the best of buddies!!!
Happy Birthday to Muntz!!!