Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Declaration of Independence

Ella came home with a little black stuffed cat from the prize box at school......

We asked her what she did that she was rewarded...

She said she answered a question correctly and her answer was, "the declaration of independence"

I was blown away by this.....ummmmm, it's kindergarten

Anyway....as I was taking her to school this morning, I asked her more about the question and if that was the first time she had heard about it.

Her response was, "No mommy, I learned about it a LONG time ago from 'Tom & Jerry', yesterday just cleared a few things up for me"

Ooooooooooo.......Christmas Tree

After a mere 3 hours of sleep, I popped out of bed on Friday knowing that it was decorating day!

I was excited to get the house ready for Christmas....

I decorated the tree downstairs while the kids were outside doing lights with Paul...but not before Ella placed the star!

We also placed a tree upstairs this year since the kiddos have too many ornaments to fit on their little tree! They were so excited and a bit crazy while they decorated!
Ella made sure to place all her ornaments in just the right place!

Daddy helping Logan...

Setting up their nativity scene...

So proud!

Logan got to put up this star!

All done! We then cuddled on the couch and watched "Santa Buddies"

And of course the next morning, Elfie made an appearance....

Ella drew a picture of him and the next morning, Elfie wrote the kids a note on her drawing and left the kids a present under the tree....

New jammies and slippers for both of them!

A Happy Thanksgiving

ALOT to be thankful for this year!!!!

Number one on the list.....GREAT news about my mom!

Number two....I was cancelled from work and got to spend the day with my family!!!

My little turkeys enjoying the parade and turkey crafting

Getting so big...SO thankful for these two special kids
Thankful for their personalities...

Thankful that my cousin Dan was able to spend turkey day with us!

Thankful for my sister and the yummy turkey she made!

Thankful that the guys had a new patio to spend their day sitting on!

Thankful for everything about Ella

Thankful for my family!

Thankful for wonderful people who do alot for our family!

Thankful for my mom and sister and the so thankful that I got a picture of them both SMILING!!!! (and with turkeys on their heads)

Thankful for sister suz and my nephew Jacky wacky!

Thankful that this in MY family!!!

Thankful for these guys!!!!

And their silliness!!!

Thankful that someone else in the family now enjoys taking pictures!!!!

Thankful that after this fabulous day, I was able to spend the night shopping with Team Santa!!!

I was also thankful to climb into my bed at 4am the next morning for a quick 3 hours sleep!


What a treat to have Ella home from school for a whole week!

We enjoyed every day, had some playdates, and spent some time at the park....

How cute are these 'bat' kids

Loves the monkey bars!

Wild man on the horse

Finally riding his Thomas big wheels, although not the best at steering!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh Ella!!!!!

This is the award Ella came home with on Friday!!!

She was SOOOOOO excited!!!

The first one in her class to receive it!

So proud of her!!!!

On a funny Ella note, she has a 'crush' that she talks about often.

The cutie patootie blondie boy, Nolan, in many of the pics.

They have been in school together for 3 years and he is the sweetest thing ever.

We are friends with the family and enjoy spending time with them.

On the way to soccer the other night, this is what happened...

Ella: Mommy....If you ask Nolan he says he is my boyfriend

Me: Oh really?!?

Ella: Yep and he says we are going to get married

Me: Oh really?!?

(a minute goes by......)

Ella: Isn't it just SO silly that a girl who's 6 and a boy who's 5 are already boyfriend and girlfriend????

(starting to chuckle)

Ella: How old were you when you had your first boyfriend mommy?

Paul: 18!!!

Ella: Was it daddy?

(whew! time for soccer!!!)

Thanksgiving Feast

Friday was the Thanksgiving Feast at Ella's school...

We all got to go watch the Kindergarten classes perform at the assembly...adorable!!!

Ella was singing loud and doing all the motions....she LOVES to perform

How cute are these two?
It was then time to head to the other classrooms for crafts...

Good job Logan!

A family pic by the turkey wall before the feast....

We had a fabulous meal of turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie, cheesecake, rolls, etc........A grand ole' pot luck

Time to make a feather frame

Logan's feather festive frame

She definitely enjoyed her time with family and friends...

This is one strong little guy....he could hold himself off the ground for forever...

Playing on the fence...

It was ALOT of fun and now to enjoy the whole week with Ella!!!!! No school ALL WEEK!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


My mom did truly amazing after surgery!!!

It was a long, rough week but so glad it is over and she is home and doing well!

The kids were SO excited to get to go see her at the hospital!

They came with cards in hand and Ella sat on her bed with her and made her more pictures!

I love you mom!!!

Enchanted Island

It was time for a change in venue for Ella's birthday party....

I had asked around and after all different suggestions, Ella was set on an 'amusement park' party!!!

I can't believe I had never heard of this fabulous place, let alone been there!

It was the most perfect, beautiful sunny day and we had the most fabulous time celebrating Ella!

Waiting as patiently as they could for the gates to open...
Our table area....

And they were off...LOVED the dragon ride...

Flying high

The parachutes...

Logan LOVED every second...

His UFO...

TTime to take a 'spin'

having so much fun...

Ella and Gianna...best friends last year in preschool

Time for another ride

I got to ride the parachute ride with Ella....

Time for cake...

Happy Birthday Princess Ella!!!

She huffed and she puffed....


The whole gang!
The birthday girl


Ella K and Ella B

Ella and Nolan...so adorable

Best buddies Bumper boats...


A little face painting...

For Logan too

Flying the friendly skies

Another 'spin'

Whew! Didn't feel so good after this 'spin'

Group hug


Horse races...

The kids had a GREAT time!!!

What a wonderful day!

It was perfect!!!

Happy Birthday to one amazing girl, so very glad you enjoyed your day!