Monday, April 27, 2009


We had decided to spend our anniversary "together" a family. It had been weeks since we spent a day all together. It was a great day! I woke up (after being allowed to sleep in a bit) to a loud "cock-a-doodle-doo" and told that daddy had made breakfast......yum. We had bacon, eggs, and toast. Then after Logan's morning nap, we headed out to the mall. We did a little shopping and had some lunch.......Paradise Bakery......yum. We then decided to battle the 'crazies' at a huge crocs warehouse sale and picked up some great deals.....$5 and $10 pairs of crocs for the whole family. I am now stocked up for work...... On our way home, we stopped at the grocery store and picked up some food to cook for dinner and some groceries for the week. It was a beautiful evening, so we enjoyed the weather while Paul grilled up some salmon. We had salmon, baked potato, and asparagus for dinner.......perfect. It was a fun day........just the way we wanted to spend it!...........Happiness
A photo of the pretty flowers that Paul sent to me at work on Saturday with a card that read , "Thanks for being such a wonderful wife and mother......Love Hubby" .......Happiness
After Logan was asleep last night, Paul and I were in the other room while Ella was watching "Max& Ruby" in the loft. Paul told me to come quick when he walked out to check on her. Luckily, I was able to grab the camera and snap a quick photo. Ella LOVES her shows and didn't want to miss a second of it, even if she did have to "go poopie" so being the smart child she is, she brought the potty to the show. Daddy was SO jealous of this concept............he dreams of such "happiness"

We finally cleaned up the saucer for Logan. He LOVES it! Has been having a great time playing with all the toys. His cute smiling face.......happiness

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy 6 Years!!!!!!!

Six years ago today, we said our, "I DO's"
It was a beautiful day!
Happy 6 years to my hubby!
I LOVE YA!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just a funny little story

It is not a secret that Ella likes to talk ALOT. She was trying to talk to Paul while he was watching this is what happens.....

Ella: Daddy.....daddy....DADDY

Daddy: What? (not responding in the nicest tone of voice)

Ella: Don't talk like that, daddy. That is not nice. Why you gotta talk so EVIL!

Guess she told him!

It's the Little Things......

I love being a's all the little things that I love............
Making play-doh ice cream cones with Ella in our jammies on a lazy morning
Singing songs with Ella while we do silly dances
Getting my hair pulled by Logan because he is pulling me in tight for a slobbery kiss
Trying to get sweet potatoes into a moving target
The smile on Logan's face when I come in the house after being at work all day
The picture that Ella colored for me while I was at work
The funny sayings by Ella....."oh my goodness sakes"!!!
The giggles that come out of Loags when you tell him his toes are stinky
These are just a few of my favorite things.........

How cute is this messy little guy
"Gimme some more"

Had to post this cute picture of Ella and Addy.....a couple of cute princesses who had just finished performing their "show"......hilarious
Ella asked me later that night......"Mommy, do you know who my bestest friend is?"
I, of course, thought she would say Addy since we had spent the day with her, but Ella replied, "You are my bestest friend" and gave me a hug and kiss. I wanted to be sure to document this as proof when she is a teenager!

Monday, April 20, 2009

6th month check-up and pokies!

I had to take our cute little guy to the doctor this morning. As always, Logan was full of smiles. Smiling while they listened to his heart, looked in his ears, etc..... He has an AWESOME pediatrician which we love and is always super sweet to my kids!
He weighs 15 pounds 1 ounce (10th %) and is 27 1/2 inches long (75th%).
He has been a little stinker lately and not wanting to sleep through the night anymore and has been up 3-7 times a night.........not sure teeth in sight. Let's hope he starts being a good sleeper again soon because mommy and daddy sure are tired!
He cried during his 3 shots, but as soon as I picked him up, he gave the girl that gave him his shots a BIG smile, with tears still running down his face. He simply is such a SWEET little baby!
Always has a smile for everyone.......even with his little band-aided legs!!!


A few weeks back on a shopping trip to Wally World, Ella and I had bought a hummingbird feeder. We have noticed lots of them in the backyard "buzzing" around. It has taken a while to get it up and running, but daddy and Ella put it up yesterday morning. Still waiting to see them enjoying their new treat! She cracks me up......posing while waiting for the post to be installed

Hanging the feeder

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shark Attack!!!

Our cute little "shark"......his new towel from the Easter bunny

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Logan's Baptism

Logan was baptized this morning at St.Jerome at the 8:30a.m. mass.
He was full of smiles and did great!!!!
Before it starts.......Logan with his godfather, Stevie Our happy little guy smiled while the holy water was poured on his head
Logan wore his papa's baptismal gown

Father Ben with Logan. He also baptized will be 3 yrs ago this Saturday
Logan with Stevie
We had a little "issue" with our camera batteries..........SO, I will post more photos as I get them from some other cameras.......

Monday, April 13, 2009


There was lots of laundry piled up today..........lots of chores to be done......
..........but there was lots of sunshine outside, sooooooooo
we headed to the park........and Ella's friend Tanner (and his mommy and little brother) joined us

such a cute photo....they loved the duckies

"'re it"

Easter Day....Hip Hop Hooray

Bright and early Easter morn......the carrots and milk had been devoured by the "bunny"

Admiring the baskets for her and Loags

Playing with their Easter ducks
After following the Easter bunny's trail at home, we headed to Church and then to grammie's and papa's to hunt some eggs and eat some doughnuts....... Back to our house for a little rest before everyone joined us for a great dinner! It was a fantastic Easter day!!!

The kids with Nannie and Muntz

Getting loves from Grammie

Logan and his Papa

peek-a-boo Auntie Suz

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coloring Eggs

After dinner, Ella was eager to color some eggs! This is the first year she has done this and thought it was great! She loves to do "magic tricks" these days, so she thought turning the eggs different colors was quite 'magical'......... Giving Logan instructions on exactly what she was doing

Proud of her creations

The finished products.....I think I have more glitter (pixie dust) on me than the eggs do!

Fun times before Easter......

Yesterday we headed to Disney on Ice........So fun. Logan was sitting on my lap the whole time so there is no photos from the show (goes to show who the photographer is in this family.....heehee) Ella REALLY enjoyed the whole show and didn't take her eyes off the ice. She waved like crazy at Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland (her favs). It was a great time! Ella even got to get some overpriced cotton candy (compliments of nannie and muntz) and it came with this mask..... She sure makes one cute Dash! Logan loves playing with toys these days........he got these cute new toys today. The ball from our sweet next door neighbors and the ball popper from nannie and muntz

Quite the funny photo below that daddy is NOT a fan of!

Ella putting the finishing touches on some Easter cupcakes......she is the master of sprinkles

As you can see, Ella was hard at work and then became a little "bored" with the last batch......She said, "mommy I'm finished........." and I laughed as I saw the final product......One HEAVILY sprinkled cupcake in the batch!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy 6 Months My Sweet Pea Lover

I REALLY can't believe that Logan is 6 months old today. This sweet little guy is 'almost' sitting up on his own, he is rolling over to his tummy, pushing up, and starting to scoot. He also loves to bend himself in half and suck on his toes....he actually cut his lip yesterday with his toenail, silly baby. Logan is still full of non-stop smiles and giggles. He especially loves his night-time good-night songs that Ella sings him each night. He is great at going to bed in his crib and is starting to almost sleep through the night again. His favorite toy is still his whooz-it. He has now had rice cereal and apples. He drank juice from a sippy cup the other day like a big boy! I think he was actually 'jealous' of Ella eating lunch today so he got to try sweet peas! He opened his mouth wide for each bite and boy was he full of smiles after!!!! Logan is SUCH a sweet baby......he is LOVED!!!

After the "pea" lunch

Enjoying the Jumperoo.....

Ella can't stand to not be in the photo!