Monday, April 30, 2012


 Yesterday, the tutu trio headed out to Florence, AZ for the Warrior Dash!
It was quite a warm day and we were glad we were in the first wave at 10am....
After 13 obstacles which included climbing MANY walls, sliding down pools, climbing over cars in a junk yard, running through tires, jumping over fire, climbing over a horizontal cargo net, climbing up a waterfall wall,  and jogging 3.2 miles we encountered our last obstacle...
This giant mud pit with barbed wire.....
It actually felt SO good to climb in because it was nice and cool!!!
 Dragging ourselves through...
  A little side stroke....
 The funniest part was trying to stand up and climb out....Our tutus and clothing now weighed about 100 pounds and it was soooooo slippery!
 With smiles on our faces, we crossed the finish line!

 And what could be better than warrior hats!!!!
We can't wait for next year!!!

Barron Pool is open for the 2012 Season

 Saturday was the day!!!
Our pool officially opened for business and the kiddos were ecstatic!!!
They were little fishes and denied that the water was cold (it was 76 and it froze my toes which was the only part of me that got in!) until they started to turn blue and shakey shake!
 Daddy was brave and got in with them, but only for a short time!
 They must have jumped in about 100 times each!

 Ella picked up where she left off last year and swam like a champion!

They had a great time and wore themselves out!
And they were back in yesterday!!!!

Spring Soccer

 Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these pics!!! 
Ella is doing a great job this season and is really working hard at every practice and game!
So proud of her!


 We had the family dance at Ella's school a few weeks back....
It was a luau theme and we were excited to dress up!
We had dinner at our friend's on our way and then we all headed to the dance!

The dads got stuck with the butterfly wands! Coincidence????
 Handsome little guy!
 Ella and Ella
 The glowing girls!
 Dancing!!!  They had great music!
 Sweet kiddos!
 Time for the limbo!
The principal was AMAZING!!! She FOR SURE won this contest!
 Logan had a great strategy!

 And always a photo of these two cuties!!!!
 We all had a great time! 

The 'Bad' Flowers

Some of you might recognize this vase of flowers....
They usually reside in our downstairs bathroom but lately they can be found most anywhere except there!
Logan, for some unknown reason, refuses to use the bathroom if these are in there, so he moves them and I put them back and then he moves them....
Kind of funny! 


The kids and I tackled Ella's school project a few weeks back...
It was a family project and Logan was so excited and helpful
Ella was assigned the sports of Ecuador and her project will be displayed at the International Festival at her school in a few weeks.... 
Hard at work....Logan was in charge of the glue!  Big task!!!
It turned out super cute and Ella was SO proud to bring it in to school!  

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

Ella was up at 6:45am on Easter morning and her brother wanted to 'sleep in'....Finally, at 7:30am, we let her wake him up....
They were excited as we headed down the stairs..
Lots of special surprises waiting for them.
Nannie and Muntz had sent them a fun drill kit for Logan and a spa kit for Ella...
Logan and Ella got each other Angry bird pj's
And they each got a new bathing suit from mommy and daddy...
The Easter bunny filled their baskets with so many fun things...They were EXCITED!!!Peeps!A new Yahtzee game...Kachooz for her pencils...These two played so well together all morning....they played with all their new games And then we headed to Grammie and Papa's to find more eggs and baskets...Hugs for Papa as Daisy watches...Always have to play a game with Grams..And then we headed home to prepare 'our' part of the feast....
Everyone headed over about 1pm....we had ALOT of food and ALOT of fun!
Roast beef, ham, spinach/strawberry salad, grape salad, baked brie, mushrooms, cantaloupe, potato salad, rolls, carrot cake, cookies....and peach bellinis with fresh strawberries....Enjoying the meal and wishing it was a 'little cooler' outside....
I didn't take any other photos :0(
Guess I was busy enjoying the day ...
We had a great Easter
And the end of the day came with Jack playing his trumpet up on the hill....