Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pay it Forward......A Continuation

This is a post from my friend Abby's blog.......
Thinking back to Christmas and giving, Jaxson and I were watching The Dugger's last night and they took a trip to do service and give to the poor. Jaxson was touched by this and commented that, the don't have any toys mom. I was quick to reply that yes he is very lucky and blessed to have all he has. I then share a story of his dad during Christmas time went to get his haircut and gave the lady 1oo extra dollars. He was shocked and said that was a ton of money and was she poor. I replied that yes she could use some more money. I then shared with him that she told Adam last week that she used some of the money and bought food for a family who didn't have much. Pay it Forward, that is what I shared with him. Service makes you feel good, and maybe someday you will need something or just a friend and it will happen. I am so grateful for times like these to teach our children and learn and grow.this is how it works.....the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand made gift from me during this year. when and what will be a surprise. BUT, in order for you to leave a comment on my blog, you have to post this on your blog first. (that means that sometime during this year you will send a gift to 3 people as well.) get it? so, the first 3 people to comment on this post will be the lucky ones leave your name and e-mail or address! Pay it forward!
............continue it on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really cool!!!!! Great idea Leslie!