Monday, April 5, 2010

"Oh Bay-Bee!"

So most little toddler boys wouldn't really be interested in babies but not my little guy.....
He LOVES babies!
We were visiting friends and he say the empty swing (the baby was napping) and he looked at me and said, "where's bay-bee" and proceeded to look under and around the swing to find the missing person......
He was ecstatic and giggly when Kellen finally woke up from his nap......
He simply couldn't get enough of his little buddy!
He sat right by him on the floor and kept repeating, "OH BAY-BEE!".....if Kellen happened to turn his head to look the other way, Logan would shout to get his attention back......
So cute!

He also kept putting his head down so that the baby could give his kisses.....
What a sweet boy I have!

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