Sunday, October 3, 2010

FOUR.... (soccer Saturday)

The goal was 5 again......give goals....
Ella scored 4......FOUR GOALS!
A little superstar on the soccer field....
So many of the players tower over her in size but she has them beat in confidence, nothing is stopping her this season.
It was SOOOOO incredibly hot at her 11:30pm game.....especially on the turf.
It was 102 degrees and probably 110 in the arena, so I was busy holding an umbrella up to try and keep Logan shaded, so the only photo I got was of this red cheeked little gal with nostrils flaring who is trying to cool down!

After naps for the kiddos, we headed out to a late night game to cheer on Grand Canyon!
Ella loves to watch 'the girls' play and of course do the cool down with them after the game.
They greeted Ella with lots of high fives since they had heard about her goal scoring. So cute! Although GCU lost, it was a good game and quite nerve wracking, so we couldn't leave early. It was a super late night for the kiddos and they both feel asleep in the car on the way home.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Love the pic of Ella dripping in sweat- that's one you save to show the boyfriend..LOL! Looks like you have quite the little soccer player there- too bad soccer is during the HOT season!!!