Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I LOVE being a mommy!

(which is why I am willing to post a pic of me with horrible bed head!)

My kiddos surprised me with breakfast in bed yesterday!

They were SO excited to wake me up!

And after presents and a lazy morning, we headed to my sister's house for a BBQ.....

So much to celebrate on Mother's day! My wonderful mom and my kids!!!
Logan is STILL obsessed with checking his 'yucks' and Papa helped him yesterday with a wipe and a little song! Logan thought it was HILARIOUS!

Renee and Jack....always tough to get Renee to 'smile' for a photo

Perfect weather for a little slippin' and slidin'.....

Great action shots!

My mom and her 'girls'......

How scary and intimidating is this guy??? Watch out!

Always room for a little cake.....

After a fun filled day, we cuddled on the couch for a few books before bed....

.....Nothing better than being a mommy!!!

And remember, according to Ella, kids day is next week!

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