Wednesday, June 22, 2011


GrandBill came to visit us the end of May....he enjoyed his visit to San Diego with us....he enjoyed many steak dinners (his favorite) and he enjoyed spending lots of time in the pool!

The kids loved having their grand grandfather here and kept him busy!

Logan is a little fish this year in his float suit....

Ella floating and relaxing in Suz and Pat's pool...

We enjoyed dinner at Suz and Pat's and what is better for dessert than ice cream with carrots...

GrandBill enjoyed our backyard pool...

He was here to see both Ella and Logan become 'brave' and jump off the side...

It took a little longer for Ella to 'find her braveness' and jump...

But finally she did...and hasn't stopped since

Luckily it was warm enough to swim but cool enough to enjoy BBQ and eating outside while GrandBill was here....

GrandBill left last week and Logan is still wondering when he is 'coming home'.....

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