Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Daddy Day!

"Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad."
-Anne Gedes

Happy Father's Day to one great daddy!

Happy Father's Day also to my sweet dad! Happy Father's Day to my great father-in-law!

We spent the day together as a family. After breakfast burritos this morning (Paul's request) and Ella having a cheese crisp which she called "a slimy pizza", we did some stuff around the house and got ready to head to my sister's for a bbq. Below is a photo of Logan in his new big boy carseat.......I think he really likes it!

A special onesie bought for today! Logan loves his daddy for sure!

Ella makes sure her daddy knows how much she loves him!

Some love for Uncle Pat!

Ella standing on Uncle Pat under the water!

It was a fun day of good food spent with some fantastic dads!
Happy Father's Day!

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