Thursday, August 13, 2009

1st official day of preschool

It was funny this morning.....let's face it, my kids don't really like to sleep. Not big fans of it! Ella has always been an early bird, up by 6:30am most days. This morning at 7:26am, she finally decided to wake up. Then she stretched and said, "is it still the middle of the night?.....Can I go back to sleep? Boy am I tired?" Paul and I just laughed. What a silly goose she is. I am sure she will be back up at 6:30am tomorrow and ready to go!
Luckily, she was happy that it was her first day of school and eagerly got dressed and had breakfast. Ella looked extremely cute and was all smiles dressed in pink!

Gotta have the 'Ella' pose!

Nothing better than big raindrops on the morning of your first day of school!

Time to get out the 'new' umbrella and strike another pose!

Arriving at school, still all smiles!

Found her cubbie with her name and she liked that it had a "sailin' ship"....she placed her backpack inside and then was off to discover. She quickly met her new best friend, "Merry-diff" (as Ella calls her). My eyes were starting to fill up about not any pics at that moment.
This was the photo taken right as we were walking out. Ella busily playing and seems to be 'just fine' . Sadly, she did tell me she cried after we left for a 'little bit'......broke my heart, but luckily I think she will do great next week!

After I picked her up and gave her the surprise bag filled with things that her daddy and I bought for her after we dropped her off (to help us cope)........"Goldilicious" (the new book in the 'pinkalicious' family), some stamps, and some lip gloss.....we picked up her favorite lunch, Chick-fila and headed to see Grammie and Papa.

Papa surprised her with a cake and we all sang, "Happy 1st day of preschool to you!"......she loved it!
Let's hope she is wishing for many more fabulous school days......tear free!

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