Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daddy/Daugher Dance 2010

Tonight Ella and Paul headed off for their 2nd Annual Daddy/Daughter Dance.....
So cute!
Since Ella has been staying home all week from school due to her crazy mystery rash (not contagious) on her neck, she was ecstatic to have a night out!
She had me 'present her' as she came down the stairs!
Beautiful Ella with her handsome daddy!

What can I say????? They love to pose for photos!

Ella felt quite sassy in her 'high heels'
You can see her rash in this pic.......poor girl! Might be making a 2nd trip back to the dr. tomorrow. She was actually in tears the other night wishing for her 'beautiful neck' back....
In the car, ready to go, and still posing for pics!
And away they go! They had a great time and are home with tired feet from dancing the night away!

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