Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Simply Silly

Logan is pure happiness!
This little guy ALWAYS has a smile on his face!
He loves to laugh and he loves to make others laugh with him!
He has become quite the comedian at mealtime.....
Check out the photos below of his green bean comedy routine!

Quite the little 'ham' in front of the camera!
He also loves his 'dessert'!!!!
Unlike his sister who would eat a little frosting and leave the rest, Logan DEVOURS the entire cupcake until just a few crumbs remain!
He has learned to yell, "KA-CAKE"!!!!!
Once again at lunchtime today, he was putting on quite the show for me and luckily he kept it going so I could snap a photo of his 'squish face'
I LOVE this little man!

1 comment:

Mama of two ~ said...

I L-O-V-E the squish face~! Adorable!