Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh Ella!!!!!

This is the award Ella came home with on Friday!!!

She was SOOOOOO excited!!!

The first one in her class to receive it!

So proud of her!!!!

On a funny Ella note, she has a 'crush' that she talks about often.

The cutie patootie blondie boy, Nolan, in many of the pics.

They have been in school together for 3 years and he is the sweetest thing ever.

We are friends with the family and enjoy spending time with them.

On the way to soccer the other night, this is what happened...

Ella: Mommy....If you ask Nolan he says he is my boyfriend

Me: Oh really?!?

Ella: Yep and he says we are going to get married

Me: Oh really?!?

(a minute goes by......)

Ella: Isn't it just SO silly that a girl who's 6 and a boy who's 5 are already boyfriend and girlfriend????

(starting to chuckle)

Ella: How old were you when you had your first boyfriend mommy?

Paul: 18!!!

Ella: Was it daddy?

(whew! time for soccer!!!)

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